Now accepting new clients!

At Holistic Wellness, we focus on client experience, health and happiness. Holistic Wellness combines holistic care with conventional medicine to treat people, not just patients.

It’s time to make yourself a priority, schedule an appointment now!

Have questions? Please call us at 321-362-4103.


Let Holistic Wellness be a true partner in your health and wellness.

We care for everything from common illnesses to chronic diseases, mental health concerns, and weight loss. Integrative primary care isn’t just for when you’re sick, we’re also here to help you prevent illness and maintain your optimal health. We will always take the time to listen to you, respect your opinion, and care for you as a whole person.

  • I want to help you get healthy, and stay that way with state-of-the-art screening, disease prevention, and lifestyle advice.

  • Wake up with the flu or a concerning cough? I diagnose and treat a wide spectrum of illnesses, so you get the care you need without having to visit the ER or see specialists.

  • Chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity can be difficult to manage and prevent on your own. I am here to help you formulate a plan to find your way to better health.

  • Semaglutide is not just a quick fix; it promotes a holistic approach to weight loss. By addressing the physiological factors that contribute to weight gain, it helps create lasting changes in your body and mind, enabling a healthy lifestyle that extends beyond the treatment.

  • Mental health is an important part of the big picture. Whether you’re feeling off or experiencing depression, anxiety, insomnia, or something more complex, I am here to help, or refer you to someone who can!

  • Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is individually dosed, and used to treat symptoms of hormone imbalance or deficiency, such as those experienced during menopause. It can help alleviate symptoms such as inflammation, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, fatigue, and low libido.